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6 natural switches for your next camping adventure

6 natural switches for your next camping adventure

6 natural switches for your next camping adventure
In partnership with Bosisto’s

Easter holidays equal camping season! Time to pull out the tent, clean up the caravan and hunt down your hiking boots.

Most campers are nature-lovers and want to do the right thing, preserving the natural resources of our beautiful land. We’ve pegged down six top tips to help you have a trekking good time without leaving too big of an eco-footprint.

1. Instead of… Camping interstate

Do this…. Camp locally

To reduce carbon emissions from a long trip in the car or camper, consider choosing a nearby camping location. Find A Camp is one of a few websites where you can do your research.

2. Instead of… Bringing disposable plates, cups & cutlery

Do this… Use real ones. And pack a plant-based dish detergent like Bosisto’s Dish Wash,  which contains essential oils like eucalyptus, orange and lime. No need for artificial fragrances in the outback! Bring a more natural Multipurpose Spray to wipe down your surfaces, too, or make your own with 3 parts water to 1 part white vinegar, plus your essential oil of choice (we love Eucalyptus!)

When you’ve finished washing up, it’s a good idea to dump wastewater directly onto dry land, far from any rivers or streams.

3. Instead of… Cooking on a campfire

Do this… Consider investing in a portable, electric camping stove. Perhaps surprisingly, this option is more eco-friendly than the traditional campfire, which can release harmful carbon emissions into the air.

4. Instead of… Bringing your whole first aid kit

Do this… Bring Tea Tree Oil

Bosisto’s Tea Tree Oil* is the perfect do-it-all companion for outdoor adventure – it’s a natural antiseptic that can be used for insect bites and to help treat and prevent infection from minor wounds, cuts and scrapes.

It’s also great for foot care (helps prevent infection from blisters) and after a big day of activity a few drops in your stinky hiking boots will help keep them fresh.

5. Instead of… Venturing off the beaten track

Do this… Stay on marked trails. Not only is it safer, it also helps prevent the erosion or destruction of natural flora and endangered wildlife, leaving it for future generations to enjoy. It goes without saying – take your rubbish with you when you go, both when hiking and when leaving your campsite.

6. Instead of… Buying mass produced camping gear

Do this… Research eco-friendly camping gear. When you need to replace something, do your research. There’s so much choice out there now using recycled, organic or eco-friendly materials.

Maintaining your gear is also important – tents, fishing gear, heavy jackets and even boats can get really on the nose when stored during off season. One of our favourite tips for gear you use infrequently is to freshen it up with Bosisto’s Eucalyptus Spray*. Musty odours gone – and a fresh bushland scent to remind you of your next trip.

*Antiseptic, for minor wounds. Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

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